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All images are available as PNG? files and as high quality SVG? files which look beautiful at any size. All clip art images are distributed under the CC0 "No Rights Reserved" license. You can copy, modify, and distribute these images, even for commercial purposes, all without asking permission.

100,000+ Free Clip Art Images

ClipSafari is a free resource containing over 100,000 clip art images that you can download, post, and use for any purpose. These images are ready to be used in your poster, your PowerPoint presentation, your website, or profile. These high quality vector images, which cover every subject imaginable, look great both on the screen and in print. Images are completely free to use for any purpose per the CC0 "No Rights Reserved" license.

Popular Clip Art Images

Cartoon Dog
Green Apples
Red Bicycle
Girl Reading

Popular Tags

airplane america animal ant apple arrow art baby background ball balloon banana banner baseball basketball bat beach bear bed bee bike bird birthday black blue boat book border boy brain branch building bunny bus butterfly cactus cake calendar camera candy car carrot cartography cartoon cat chicken child christmas church circle classroom clock cloud coffee color computer cow crab cross crown cupcake cute decoration decorative diamond dinosaur doctor dog dolphin dragon duck eagle earth easter ecology egg elephant environment face fall family fantasy farm female fire fish flag floral flourish flower flying food football forest fox frame frog fruit fun funny game garden geography ghost giraffe girl globe goat gold grass green guitar halloween hand happy happy birthday hat head heart holiday home horse house human ice cream insect key kid lady landscape laptop leaf leaves lemon lion love male mammal man map math mermaid metallic money monkey moon mountain mouse mushroom music nature night nose nurse ocean octopus orange ornament ornamental owl panda pattern peace pen pencil penguin person phone pineapple pink pizza plane planet plant popcorn pumpkin question mark rabbit rain rainbow reading red reindeer retro road robot rocket romance rose santa school science sea shape shark sheep shiny sign silhouette skull sky smile smiling snake snow snowflake snowman space spider sport spring star stethoscope strawberry student summer sun sunflower symbol table teacher teddy bear thanksgiving thinking thumbs up tiger toy train travel tree truck turkey turtle tv umbrella unicorn usa valentine vegetable vegetation vintage wallpaper water watermelon weather wedding welcome whale white wing winter wolf woman wood world writing xmas yellow zebra

Frequently Asked Questions

Do I have to pay to use pictures from ClipSafari?

All the clip art images on ClipSafari are completely free. You do not have to pay royalties, and you do not have to give credit or cite ClipSafari.

I am a teacher. Can I use clip art in my classroom and in my educational materials?

Yes. Clip art is a great way to enhance your lessons and engage students. All the clip art on ClipSafari is free for teachers and schools to use.

Are these clip art images compatible with Microsoft Office?

Yes. All ClipSafari clip art can be used in Microsoft Word, Microsoft PowerPoint, and all the other office applications.

Can I print clip art I download from ClipSafari?

Yes. All the images in this free clip art library can be printed out, and they look great on paper. These images are perfect for use on posters, flyers, and in printed handouts.

Is It permissible to make commercial use of these images?

Absolutely. All the images on ClipSafari are distributed under the CC0 “No Rights Reserved” license. This means you are 100% allowed to use these pictures in works that you sell, and as part of your job.

Can I download the images on ClipSafari to my computer?

Yes. You can download the free clip art on ClipSafari to your computer in either PNG or SVG format.

How do I find clip art on ClipSafari?

You can use our search to find the exact photo clip art you are looking for. Alternatively, browse our popular clip art galleries, and brainstorm some ideas.

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